
MLB News: On This Date
This is a first for Intellectual Poison and will likely not become a regular feature but, since its about the Dodgers (oh the hated Dodgers!), I had to share it.

On July 9, 1894, in a National League game, Louisville beats the Brooklyn Dodgers by a score of 20-8. Nothing all that unusual except that there's no team in Louisville anymore and the Dodgers moved to LA. But the best part is that the score got that high because every Dodger's fielder made AT LEAST one error in the game. And THAT'S amazing!

Any slaps against the Dodgers is good news in my book!
And it coincides with the Dodgers mid season change from sparkling club to the slide they always go through. My permanent motto for the Dodgers is: Sparkle and Fade. And they look to be holding true to form by winning one game out of their last ten!

A Morford Sighting, a Morford Sighting! Oh My!
Was reading my deliciously over-invected Morning Fix this afternoon (for the sheer irony of it all and the fact that I didn't have time to get to it until now) and came across the link a recent interview with Mr. Morford!

Its at Poynter Online and is a pretty good read though I skimmed it and will have to get back at it again to get all the good stuff on my favorite columnist.
And a pic for kicks.....
Mark Morford: The Lord of Over Verse

And a New Word Sighting As Well
Came up with this one on the way back from the water cooler (which has no space to congregate around and talk shop or sports or anything! damn!).

Willionaire - someone who's done nothing with their life but still has tons of money because their parents or grandparents left them millions in their will.

Cody was unimpressed.