
Local News and a Baby Nick Update
I just got an email from my sister about my nephew Nicolas, who has been dealing with some health issues ever since his birth a few weeks ago. Here's the first post about Nick.
Anyway, the email today held some good news and that's why I'm posting it here.

Hello amazing support network~
Wanted to let you know the latest with the young
Langdon boy. His 4th temporary shunt had to come out
Saturday night (3 days in) because it was leaking.
Since then (3 days out), his head has not really
gotten any bigger. Monday's ultrasound showed his
ventricles are smaller, still somewhat big, but
smaller. We are big time crossing our fingers and
hoping that he might trully avoid the permanent.
Actually, my way of dealing with it is to try to not
get too excited by this good news in case it doesn't
last (as has been the case every time before)...but,
admittedly, I'm a little psyched. Also, as of last
night, he is 6 lbs. There is a rumor that if he gets
the hang of eating independently, he might even go
home early next week. So keep those good vibes coming
our way. I'll keep you updated as we get through this
newer (slightly more optimistic) wait-and-see period.
And now a word from the Big Brother Andrew...


So yeah, I'm a happier camper in thinking that my newest nephew is making headway in clearing out his head!

Local News
Major props go out to Paul, my oldest pal in California, and Kim, his now fiance!
I will have to get the details when we get together next but I know its a done deal and that's about as cool as it gets! Paul is one of the greatest guys I know and Kim is just a truly cool chick and together they are great fun to be with and its all enhanced by the addition of the poster dog for the Weimerauner breed, Modoc. Nice work, Paul! You couldn't have landed a cooler and more down to earth lady than Kimmie.

Which reminds me, I've gotta write up that story of the night you two actually began this process all those months ago at Zelda's.