
The Weekly Cheddar X!

Coming to you live from the hallowed halls of the Cheddar X-Change, it is this week's question set.

Have you ever been ashamed of your race or nationality?
Yep, the worst time was after watching the first ever showing of Malcolm X in Africa, in a black township. After the show it was very hard to walk around and not feel terribly self conscious about being white. It was wholly me though, not a single person made me feel uncomfortable. There were a few other times too but that was the worst of the bunch. I'm also ashamed to be a member of the same nationality as this scumbag.

What was the last thing that really enraged you?
The bitch in the huge SUV who nearly plowed into us and laughed about it as she drove off. I hope she slipped while getting some twinkies out of her pantry and broke her tailbone and can't sit down for a year.

When was the last time you played stupid to get away with something?
Its gotta be some conversation with P, something she almost certainly told me and I either spaced on it or didn't want to do it in the first place. Oh crap, I left the laundry in the washer! Damn!

Have you ever steered someone wrong (gave them bad directions, bad service, whatever) because they were just being overbearing jerks?
All the time. When I was a gas pumper in Norwich, Vermont, we would always get these jackasses up from New York who would talk like it was a strain to put up with back country hicks. We'd send them as far out of the way as we could and if they came back to complain we'd just play stupid.

From Carlene, If you knew you were about to die, what would be the last sight you would want to see?
It depends on how the method of death was coming. If it were some jerk about to run me over on my motorcycle or mountain bike, the last I'd want to see is my body flying through their windshield with my fists in front me and I go right through them, killing them with me.
But if its a peaceful sort of passing then I think I'd like to see the sun setting over the Santa Cruz wharf from the end of Seabright Ave. It is my Happy Place ala Happy Gilmour.

Last one, for those of us who have a history in the restaurant business. Have you ever monkeyed around with anyone's food or drinks? I.e. spit in them, wiped a booger on their burger or otherwise added your own spice or twist?
I don't think I ever maliciously fucked with people's food or drinks but we would, on occasion, soften a drink for someone who'd had too much. Its a great trick too. When mixing the drink, before adding ice, pour some alcohol around the rim of the glass but not into it, add ice and make the drink but without alcohol in it but before giving it to them, add a straw and fill the straw up with alcohol so that they taste the burn and think its a regular drink even though there's almost no anger juice in it.

Other Sad Commentary on the State of American Culture
Ever since posting the stuff about Stripperella, I've been getting truly inundated with hits. I'm talking about a couple of hundred people a day looking for nude+stripperella+pics. At one point last night, between 8 and 9, there were 39 people on Intellectual Poison at once.

So far today, more than 70 people have buzzed through looking for nude pics of a cartoon!

The sole heartening thing about all this traffic is that a good proportion of the random surfers have actually ended up spending some time on the site, either madly searching for the hidden nude drawings (there aren't any) or they saw something else that they liked and started reading up on the site. Kind of cool.

But yesterday, we topped out an all time new record and smashed the old record for a day's hits with 238 visitors to Intellectual Poison. The previous record had been around 120 so we just about doubled it. And today looks to get close to that mark again. Go Stripperella!

And I must say that I do love that drawing though. Someone said she's the new Jessica Rabbit but she's alot rawer and has no qualms about in-your-face sexuality.