
Want to Smash the Spammers Back?
Found this site, FriedSpam.net, on MetaFilter and they purport to go to the site's mentioned in spams, again and again and again. Basically its a DOS attack engine (denial of service) that gives the spammers what they want by inundating them with hit after hit after hit until their servers fail.

Sounds like a good plan to me.
Shame it only works in IE but hey, that's why I keep a copy on my system (until MS truly dumps the platform on Mac).

Got a few spam sites that you feel a burning need to flame? Get down on it and smack those fools around. You can even enter multiple URLs to maximize your retaliatory experience!

[Update: I don't know if its a problem on my end or theirs but all I get is the validating URL's page and it hangs there forever. If anyone else can get the system to work, let me know how you did it!]