
New Toy Product Review: KDS Rad-7 LCD

I got my new KDS Rad-7 from the FedEx guy yesterday afternoon, a quick ground shipment since I bought it last Thursday. First thing, the box is skinny and light, good things both of them. I hurried upstairs and began to unpack it like a kid at Christmas.

Its a gorgeous monitor even before its plugged in. Its elegant, stylish and very, very thin (especially compared next to the 17 inch CRT it was replacing). The single wire from the back is a nice touch too as it cleans up the desk a little more. I put my Powerbook to sleep, plugged in the new monitor and woke the system back up to check out the new screen. After some initial adjustments it looked perfect, really just amazing. It had to be toned down as it was too bright at first, too bright. That blew my mind.

It is so bright that my Powerbook's screen looks positively cloudy next to it but that's alright. I switched to just using the KDS LCD which meant that I got all the graphic power of the laptop pumping through it. And its really, really nice. A welcome upgrade and I'm really and truly thrilled with it.

Next up on the upgrade train? Replacing my tired and dinky Palm V with a Sony Clie that should be arriving today! Yeeha!

Other Giving-Props-Where-Props-Are-Due News

Oh yeah, big props to Ethan for turning me on to Dispatch and their song, "The General", its on my daily play lists and I find myself singing it to myself all the time. A good song and I'm thinking they may need another look to see what else they've got going on. Also digging on Tahiti 80 alot these days, A Love from Outer Space is excellent.