
Solar Power Doesn't Stink or Make the US Wage War in the Middle East
If you live in California then it would behoove you to go to Clean Air for California and e-sign a letter to your state senator to pass SB 289, the solar homes bill.

Thanks to Jay for the heads up on the right-on political action we can all take from our desks!

And in Duh! News
Breast Enhancer Pills are Bogus: New Study
Did we really need a study to figure this one out? There should be a short checklist to determine if a study makes any sense at all to sponsor.
1. Is it advertised on late night television?
If yes, then the product is bogus.
If no, then continue on to number 2.
2. Is the product endorsed by a has-been celebrity or retired sports hero?
If yes, then the product is bogus.
If no then continue on to number 3.
3. Is the word "miracle" used in any way in relation to the product?
If yes, then the product is bogus.
If no, then continue on to number 4.
4. Is the product a wish fulfillment item (as in, I wish I were thinner, smarter, had bigger boobs, a bigger dick, more money, etc.)?
If yes, then its bogus.
If no, then go online and do some research at The Smoking Gun and Snopes to verify its present status and believability.

Okay, did you product make it through the gauntlet? Then it might be a worthwhile product. If not then its crap and you might as well set fire to your money. Or, better yet, put it in an envelop and send it to me. I can assure that it will go to a good home with lots of brother and sisters 1's, 5's, 10's and 20's.

First Question for the Weekly Cheddar X (insert the appropriate number here once all questions have been compiled)
Its a new day, a new start and therefore, new questions to pose to the world at large.
Here it is. My first solo style Cheddar X question not written up in a fit of indignant rage.

1. What was the last thing you stole and why?
Which, of course, begets more questions.
2. What was the last thing you had stolen from you?
And I'll stop there because I really do have to get back to work.