
Intellectual Poison Product Review: Linksys Wireless G Router

On Jay's recommendation and because of my continuing unhappiness with Apple's Airport, I found a decent deal on Ebay for the Linksys Wireless G Router WRT54G. I went with it for several reasons but the biggest was the upgradability of my 'net connection. I run an 802.11b card in powerbook right now and it works well but now I'm all fired up to figure out a way to get that 802.11g going as its five times faster than the "b" spec.

A few initial impressions. One, the buyer I bought the box from ships incredibly quickly. I bought it on Tuesday and had it in my hands by Friday for regular shipping. And that's damned fast!
Two, its lighter and smaller than I'd thought it would be, both good things.
Three, this was far and away the simplest set up and config I've ever dealt with. Very easy to do (though there was a noticable lack of Mac install software regardless of what it said on the box) and once it was up, its been bulletproof ever since.
Four, range appears to be superior to the Airport as well. Very strong signals anywhere in the house. Tonight I'm going to go for a walk around the neighborhood with my laptop and see how long my digital leash is.
Five, its fast! Really fast.
Six, it was less than half the price of the Aiport.

A huge win/win/win/win/win/win situation and I really could not be any happier with the product. Now I'm going to parcel off my Aiport system to someone who has the patience to fix it (don't tell them but I took to just whacking it when it would piss me off too much but had to stop because the case is pointed and very hard, stupid machine!).

So the final skinny on the Linksys is that its a winner product. Looks good, worked flawlessly out of the box and has solved any lingering wireless network issues in the house. And now P wants to see about scoring the other half of the powerbook duo that's been mothballed for the last year and a half with my ex. Which means, clearing out the computer downstairs, maybe replacing it with the 5400/120 but maybe not.

I'm just happy to have speed anywhere I want it now! Shame its range doesn't get down to Big Sur or I'd take my powerbook with me this weekend.