Yet Another Reason to Hate Idiot Famous People like Barbara Streisand
This over tightened ugly bitch is suing a couple from Watsonville for having pictures of her estate on their website. Sure, that seems normal except these two people flew the length of the California coast effectively making a digital record of the current state of the coast so that future damage could be compared to the current situation.
But none of this matters to Barbara Streisand, she thinks its all about her, about showing off her estate and how filthy rich she is while still being quite hideous (second only to Sarah Jessica Parker for being the ugliest "sex symbol" around though I'm not sure if a post-menopausal walking nose can be called a sex symbol anyway).
Here's the link to the story in the Mercury News and also to the website that has sooooo offended her worshipful stupidity.
God damn but I hate it when people's heads get so large that they just cannot imagine that everything's not about them. And besides, the stupid bitch is suing them on the basis of the anti-paparazi law which is utterly bogus and a judge should have her flayed publicly for even trying to work that legal loophole. And she wants 10 million dollars for her pain and suffering. Which she'll donate to charity.
If I had anything to do with this odious whore then I would burn it in effigy. Why are people so stuck on themselves that they lose all perspective? Someone needs to drop a 5,000 bomb on her and her coastal estate.
Reason #240 for Why I Don't Have Any Tattoos
Tattoos Source of Hepatitis Without Symptoms: Study
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