
Ever More Fallout from the NY Times "Reporter" Debacle
Not sure if this means all that much to people outside of the press industry and its tangental realms that happen to include PR.
But the news that Two Senior NY Times Editors Resign over the deal with Jayson Blair, the reporter who lied, plagiarized and basically was a fraudulent journalist. Forbes has a good rundown of the timeline from the beginning.

Sad that a scumbag like Blair is killing two more people's career's as well as his own.

And my plaintive request to everyone involved or thinking about becoming involved (i.e. offering Blair a book deal or movie contract) is to not make this cheater rich. Do not send the message that its okay to lie, cheat and steal because you'll be rewarded in the end. Don't make a movie about him, don't write any books. Just throw his ass in jail, sue him for all the pay he got during his four years with the Times and let us move on to the next political scandal or shooting. Blair deserves nothing but scorn and infamy for his role in yanking the wool over the NY Times and all their readers. Nice work, Jayson!