Borne out of the crucible of intolerant conformity and coma inducing inanities posing as questions that was the Friday Five, the first ever full floating boat of the Weekly Cheddar X is breaking out and heading for higher ground.
This week's questions came from me and Jivha. Want to get in on it? Answer them on your site, add a question if you like and leave a comment.
1. What was the last thing you stole and why?
2. What was the last thing you had stolen from you?
3. When was the last time you had to go to work without underwear (''cos you were too lazy to do the laundry!)?
4. When was the last time you remember not reading a single blog in a day?
5. If a tree falls in the woods and smacks the only guy there to hear it, killing him, does it make a sound until he's dead?
To which, my answers are:
1. The last thing I can remember was an accidental steal. I bought a bunch of groceries and got out to the car before realizing that they hadn't charged me for the water because it was a two and a half gallon contained on the bottom rack of the cart. It always happens late at night and I'm too tired to go back in and deal with it. [Update 6.6.03: Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot this. I had a package from the USPS delivered to the house about a month and a half ago and the contents were stolen (the jerks left the box to let me know they'd stolen the keyboard inside).]
2. Maybe it doesn't really qualify but some might say that trading my 81 VW Scirocco for an inflatable boat was a steal for the other guy. Other than that I have to go with stuff that's been taken from friends, see below, I'm paranoid and that means I lock things up and secure stuff because I hate having my things stolen. I can still tell you most of the clothes that some asshole stole 12 years ago from the ASU dorm laundry room. Yeah.
3. Almost never because I was too lazy to do the laundry, but I'll go commando for shits and giggles on occasion. Nothing like sitting in a staff meeting without any underwear on.
4.Its been a little while since I've not read any at all in an entire day. Probably the last time I went camping or the last time I was home with my family, though I could normally stay up late and write or read then if I wanted to. I can guarantee that I won't be reading any this Saturday.
5. Ahh, philosophical inquiry. The tree in the woods with a twist. Ok. Yes, the tree obviously makes a sound. Animals will look in the direction of a falling tree and get out of its way if its coming at them. Tree falls, tree makes noise, its incredibly narrow minded to think that if a human (therefore sentient) being doesn't witness it then it didn't really happen. Which is a throwback take on Berkeley's Law (I think), which went something like, God must exist because if he didn't then all of existence would cease to exist. And I'm sure I'm chunking it together with other English or Euro philosophers and thinkers. Incidentally, its pronounced Barclay even though the Berkeley (the school) is named after him and pronounced Berk-Lee or Berk-a-lee. Or I may be way wrong. Oh well, it happens.
Now the whole chicken and egg thing, that one I can go around and around on.
So there ya have it, a really official Weekly Cheddar X. I'll start working on the next week's questions and post them when I've got four or more of them or collect a few.
[Update: The Cheddar X has grown itself a website all of its own!
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