Some Sobering Stats
Yes, SARS is an internation epidemic that is both frightening and deadly. But its definitely not the only game of death in town.
As I read Popular Science earlier today I found out that 5,000 children die every day because of malaria. That's one child every 15 seconds of every minute of every hour of every day of the year.
Consider that for a moment. By the time you finish reading this post, another two or three kids will have died because of malaria. And its not front page news because its been happening for years.
Lots more information about malaria and the fight against it is available at Fighting Malaria Org.
The PopSci article talks about a geneticist who's demonstrating how a "selfish" gene could be produced that would wipe out the entire malaria carrying mosquito population inside of a year. Which begs the question, what would be the other downstream effects of wiping out an entire niche in the ecosystem? I dare say that it won't kill 5,000 kids a day, whatever else happens. But witness the Cane Toad infestation of Australia as a grim reminder of what happens when we start monkeying with nature. Though it appears that they are finally getting some aspects of the infestation under control, there is still a long ways to go until the damage has been undone.
Extreme Measures to Cause Change
A Iranian refugee has sewed his eyes, ears and mouth closed as a protest against the British government's treatment of refugees.
Which is both a sign of extreme dedication to your cause with more than little bit of fanaticism tossed in for effect. I feel for the guy but I'm not sure that his message isn't lost in the delivery. He's sick, weak and getting worse. His self inflicted wounds are becoming infected and he is in danger of serious and permanent harm to his person. Although I can't imagine that this treatment is that much different from his treatment during his six years in Iranian prisons, one of which was spent in solitary confinement.
Makes my problems seem just wee bit less significant all of a sudden.
More News: Condoms in School Don't Encourage Sexual Activity
Another news item worth posting, School Condom Programs Don't Encourage Sex: Study.
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