Its called SARS Summer for obvious reasons.
Click on the pic for the full sized version of this good forward from Jay
And Karmic Payback's the Sweetest News There Is
Okay, now I'm a happy guy. I just read my Morning Fix and came across this story Father his death for being a child molester
The blurb in the Fix:
A former priest who fled to Mexico to escape U.S. sex abuse charges in California and Wisconsin died after jumping from the third-story balcony of a hotel as police closed in. Siegfried F. Widera, 62, faced dozens of child molestation charges in the two states. Police surrounded the beachside hotel and planned to arrest Widera in this resort city on Mexico's Pacific coast, the Mexican judicial authorities said. Minutes after authorities arrived, Widera ran to the balcony of his room and jumped.
Hardy had the best comment on this so far, maybe he jumped expecting that God would forgive him his sins and allow him to fly up to heaven. Instead it appears that Satan yanked him down, hard. Hope he likes the smell of his own burning soul. That and Hardy also helped me get the Email and AIM pics set up properly, thanks, man!
And another Morford masterpiece, The Great Teen Sex Conundrum
Last one, Breathe Safe Clothing for those, you know, chemical and airborne agent terrorist attacks. Why breathe through your shirt that's not designed to save your life when you can wear this styling tie or that hot scarf that are actually made of medical grade filtration fabric that'll save your bacon when the nerve gas starts flying. Or, at least, if you do die then you'll look good with these two utterly stupid concepts hanging off your corpse.
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