Saturday Morning and My Dander is Waaaaaay Fucking Up Now
I just got off a "help" chat with the extortionists that run Yahoo. Since Paula and I moved in together, we had to convert my SBC Yahoo account into her name. Knowing that it would eventually kill my account but I never imagined that the fuckers at Yahoo would FORCE me into one of two options. Both of which piss me off.
Option number 1: Pay Yahoo $10 a month in "maintenance fees" to keep my current account active and not lose my Yahoo ID, my fantasy teams, my email, my email address book and everything else that I've built up with Yahoo.
Or, Option number 2: transfer pretty much nothing to a new account and start again.
Irregardless of the fact that I've already paid money to Yahoo for premium services for the Fantasy Sports (Yahoo expects that they can just keep that money if I transfer). Irregardless of the fact that I was not given an option to not merge my DSL and Yahoo accounts.
And the dumb fuck working the help desk had nothing but the Terms of Service to hide behind. He kept parroting the party line like a good little worker-bot. And then told me that, unless I had further concerns, he would have to disconnect the "help" chat.
So I told him to go fuck himself and closed the chat myself. He hadn't told me anything that I didn't already know from the transfer page that came up when I tried to log into my Fantasy Sports Teams this morning.
And the skinny is that I am now being forced into a blackmail situation by Yahoo. Either pay their ridiculous "maintenance" fees (since there's no way on earth that it will cost Yahoo $10 a month to maintain the email account, this is a farce and fraudulent on their part). I guess I have to get ready to cross Yahoo off of my list of companies that I will do business with in the future. And I would highly encourage any and all readers of Intellectual Poison to do the same and to let Yahoo know why you will no longer do business with them. And tell everyone you know to do the same.
And I might just write a letter to ol' Jerry Yang himself to let him know that his company is engaging in blackmail to bolster its bottom line.
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