
New Privacy Protection for Californians

New Security Breach Disclosure Law in California in which, "A tough new state law that goes into effect July 1 will require companies that maintain data on California residents to inform individuals of any security breaches that result in their personal information being stolen."

Which, in retrospect, is kind of a no brainer. I mean, shouldn't it automatically be a moral responsibility of a company to inform its clients that their personal information has been compromised? For all of Microsoft's faults, they do seem to do a reasonable job of getting out word on bugs in their software that could be exploited by the unscrupulous (even if those unscrupulons are MS types themselves).

Quick Weekend Wrap Up
A low key weekend for us. I was intended to go down to Big Sur on Saturday to party like a rock star and kick some bachelor ass for my pal's bachelor party. But as I'd had my nostrils set to fast drip for the last few days of the week and woke up on Saturday morning after a long night, it just made zero sense to go out and abuse my immune system even further. That and my elbow made it a pretty easy decision to stay close to home and clean bandages.

My elbow has, by the way, healed up really quite nicely. The scrape is all but done with and the deep gash looks gnarly and will leave a scar but that's alright, its healing and that's the good thing. I think I'll be able to get out riding again this coming weekend, maybe something mellow with Paula. Which would be fun anyway as she's not done very much singletrack riding. But she's game and that's my favorite part.

So we organized, cleaned, seperated and threw away this weekend. Oh yeah, and shopped some on Sunday because I was feeling better and we needed some things (like the water pitcher that mysteriously broke). We're in the market for a new wok and I'm amazed at how hard it is to find the right one that doesn't cost $150. What the fudge? Whatever, no rush and we'll get the right one when it comes around.

We also reshaped our bedroom to make better use of the space and the light. It was alot of work but it went quickly with both of us and now we've got a lot more open space in the room without getting rid of anything. And the computer's out of the way but still totally accessible and has good sight lines to the bed (so Paula can talk to me while I write or surf or whatever), the windows and to the TV as well. A big win-win for us. And that just leaves the kitchen to finish up and the living room needs a little something to get it fully comfortable but its close.

The other thing we're starting to do that's been really nice is to eat on the back patio. The weather's been really nice in the evenings so we've been having dinner outside (note to self, get the citronella candles ready as the 'skeeters were coming around looking for a free meal last night). Last night was superb, Paula made her tortilla soup which really does kick ass. But I've been prohibited from posting the recipe here for secret reasons. And I'm having more of the soup for lunch today so I'm a happy chappy.

Intellectual Poison Film Review: 8 Mile
Strangely, Paula was into renting and watching Eminem's movie debut, 8 Mile, at the end of last week. And we got around to watching it on Friday night (as there was zero chance of my getting out and shaking my money maker, it loses something when you have to keep stopping to blow your nose, eh?).

It was quite alot better than I'd thought it would be. It was funny, it was engaging, it was curious and I actually had no idea what was going to happen all throughout the movie, which is unusual for me. Most movies these days are pretty straight forward and predictable, though usually no less enjoyable. But 8 Mile was different, gritty, street-ized and accurate (if my memory serves) rendition the dilapidated state of Detroit and what life's like there. And Eminem was good, which I expected, if a little distant as a character. Most of his motivations remained his own and he didn't share them with the audience. But he presented a pretty good story, no sugar coating (although I'm still very curious about casting Kim Basinger for his mom who I've seen and looks NOTHING like Kim Basinger, especially given his very public feuding with his mom). The ending isn't Eminem riding off into the sunset in a chromed out Escalade, there are no slow motion scenes of big money cash paydays, just him, walking down an alley on his way back to a shitty job, giving the two finger peace sign that could also mean victory as well, after shaming Poppa Doc into silence in a rap battle (and yeah, that looks incredibly cheesy on the page but that's what it was).

It had the girl from Clueless in it, Brittany Murphy, who is alot like the "beauty" in American Beauty who's name is escaping me right now. She's an attractive woman but has angles that she should not be viewed from as they distort her face and make her appear strange and not so hottie. She's got the feathered look down pat though. That and she's a skeezer who pops Eminem (Bunny Rabbit in the movie, yeah, what the?) and then goes and bangs some wank named Wink who was supposed to help B. Rabbit get some studio time. Oops.

Anyway, its a good movie and I'd recommend it to anyone who's interested in learning a bit of fictionalized history of Eminem (oh yeah, the shot of Kim Basinger from behind buck naked on her guy isn't bad either). I liked it more because it showed a slice of what his life was like before he grew into the monster star he is today. And it also showed how tender he was with his little sister and that was pretty heartening.

More stuff going on in the world that I need to write about, serious family stuff but I've gotta get to working now or this press release ain't ever getting out the door.