
Spammer Pays and a Question
One Asshole Spammer in the Can who's got to pay more than $100,000 in fines. I wonder if he's allowed to use the $102,000 that he stole from people that were so unutterably stupid as to give their money to some jackass who sent out spams to them.

Honestly, the people who got robbed are guilty as well, they are the reason that spam has a continued existence. If no one ever opened a spam again and got suckered by it then spamming would become economically unviable as a means of making money. But as long as fucksticks click them open then spammers will continue to send them.

But my brother raised a very interesting question that I'm not quite sure how to answer. If spammers are all selling something in the spam then there must be a means of contacting them, either by phone or by website. Why is it so hard to back track, find out who runs the sites and either arrest them as spammers or have them roll over on their spammer marketing fucks?

One of spam's basic premises is to sell or direct you somewhere. Why don't the Spam Cops go where they're being led and then arrest who ever they find at the end of the potted meat trail? Makes a helluva lot of sense to me. Where does the concept fail? Anyone?