
I Gotta, Because I Can
I just came back from a trip to retrieve a package from the post office since we're having all our mail routed through the PO Box now because we can no longer trust the guy who delivers mail to our address. No personal mail all week, no bills, no nothing except sales fliers addressed to occupant and resident? Yeah, I'm sure he's not fucking with my mail at all.

Anyway, the line was maddeningly long but filled with the entertaining freaks that only Santa Cruz has. The skinny, stinky, white dreadlocks losers, the homeless, stinky people with their backpacks, the wound-too-tight conservative types who really should reconsider where they live, they always look like they expect the unwashed hordes to trampel them or something.

So, while waiting in this stupidly overlong line, I took in the sights. You know how there are those things you wish you could un-see? Like the pic of the guy with the rectal prolapse that did the rounds a few weeks ago (if you really must see this horrible pic then go to rotten.com and search for it, I'm not linking it here).

Or, in my case today, a very, very overweight woman in one of those ugly tied-up-in-the-back, its-too-hot-out, made-out-of-curtain-fabric tops that really did nothing but accentuate her obesity and show her rolls of fat spilling over her pants. Yeah, you like that picture? Good, its burned into my mind as well and I'm always asking myself, upon seeing these sorts of bizarre displays of overflesh, what in the fucking hell could she have been thinking when she put on those clothes? "Oooh yeah, this is good, it shows I'm a woman of substance and not afraid to display my sensuality and seductive figure"? Or maybe she has one of those carnival mirrors that makes everyone look like a stick figure. Either way, I'm glad I ate a long time ago because it was so thoroughly disgusting that I felt a little nauseous.

Just be glad that I didn't have my camera with me, one of the few times, or you all out there would be tortured with the actual image instead of the percieved image. And let me tell you, you cannot imagine the level of gross involved here.

And no, I'm not deriding all plus size people in any way, shape or form. But there are limitations to what people should wear. Like fat, hairy guys should stay away from banana hammocks (actually that rule should apply to everyone who's NOT Brazilian and in perfect physical shape and then they should only be used on private beaches with limited traffic). And people with distended bellies should stay away from displaying them, for all of us. Make the world a prettier place and cover that nasty shit up. And if you're truly a goddess then show it off and pretty up the world.