Monday Morning and My Desk Never Looked So Relaxing
You know you've had a tiring weekend when the thought of sitting behind a desk all day is enticing.
And yep, that's exactly what my thought was as I walked in from the parking lot this morning. Good and early because we've got no internet, no telephone and no cable in the new house right now so no distractions to slow down my morning prep, aside from digging through piles and stacks for wallet, keys, jacket, everything.
But we are well on our way to populating the heck out of our little house. Five full truck loads on Saturday followed by another load on Sunday and then a trek up to San Ramon to pick up another fridge. The new one is in nearly perfect condition and is very clean as well. Now we've gotta find a place to get rid of the old one.
Last night we made a few trips in the cars, loaded to the gills with my room. I'd no idea how entrenched I'd really become in that space. Dozens and dozens of trips up and down the stairs and the room is still loaded up with stuff. We have GOT to cut down on our clutter! Between the two of us we probably have a full ton of stuff we don't need.
There are still a few car loads left at the house but about 98% of our lives are in the new place, and all over the place. Getting through the living room is an exercise in limbo, yoga and ninja-style balancing.
Paula's HUGE score from the move was finding a very cool, free couch off on the side of the road. We saw it on our way out to get keys and other stuff and when we came back by with the truck to get it, there was another car there. A lady was checking it out and Paula was like, "Let's just wait for her to go and get her truck and then take it." But I got out and walked up to her and we engaged in the street version of flea market haggling. In the end, we got it and loaded it up into the truck. Its a cool couch too, with some nice wood working along the bottom and its comfortable too. It needs some work, (show me a free couch that doesn't) but overall it made the day start off that much better.
We got some help on the move on Saturday from H and Nicole which was awesome. Those first three truck loads went way faster than they had to. But by dark on Saturday both Paula and I were wiped, totally knocked down exhausted. We slept like two intertwined dead people in our new bed in our new house. Our neighborhood is a pretty quiet one but there's a couple of kids on dirtbikes running around, and those stupid gas powered scooters you stand up on, I call them instant concussion machines because no one ever wears a helmet on them and its really, really easy to knock yourself out on one.
Sunday was going to be another busy day so we started it out right with an awesome breakfast from Zachary's down town. A couple of Mike's Messes, Paula's with spinach, mine with the crumbly bacon. A good start to any day. And we headed up to San Ramon for the fridge. Only $50 of gas in the truck (and it wasn't full), when the hell did gas get to $2.09 a gallon for regular? DAMN! Got to see Mandi, Jamie and Rhetta's new house, its a great place with lots of space for the dogs, a pool, a yard, four bedrooms and great light. A really nice place but not enough space for three refrigerators.
It was alot easier than I'd thought it would be to load up the fridge and then unload it back at the new house again. A few minutes of grunting and we have a nearly complete kitchen. Sure, nothing's put away and it was an adventure finding a spoon for some cereal this morning but we are so definitely on the way that I am looking forward to getting home and organizing more and more.
I snapped some pics this morning just to give a sense of where we are and where its all going to. I both envy and do not envy Paula for her day of organizing and putting away and doing, doing, doing stuff. But hopefully we'll have a living room carved out of the debris soon, a kitchen we can cook in and a bedroom that's less obstacle course and more bedroom soon as well. There are numerous undecideds as of yet. Like where my Bowflex is going to live, how we're going to secure bikes, where my Suzuki is going to go, bookcases and the like and all that.
But its good to have OUR house going. And its incredibly nice to have two bathrooms, two floors, lots of windows, lots of parking, lots of light and just US. Quiet and ours, we're already really happy there. Now its just a question of coloring in all the places and making it all ours.
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