The SCMTB Fest is coming! |
What does the rest of the year hold for us? Several group camping trips with friends to Big Sur, Mt. Madonna, Arroyo Seco, the Sea Otter Classic, Spicer up north and New Brighton Beach locally. I've got my first and likely only triathlon of the year scheduled and on the books at the Avia Wildflower, we may camp for it but not in with the other triathletes as it is just too darned pricey to do it right now. Maybe next year when my pay returns to its normal levels (long story but the short of it is my checks are about $350 light right now).
We are also planning on some trips to San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and possibly San Diego (though the price of gas is making that a long shot now).
There are some baseball games in the mix as well and I'm planning on meeting up with some old buddies to finally cross off the kayak in McCovey Cove action on my bucket list.
In between all of this there will also be the Santa Cruz Mountain Bike Festival, lots of photo outings with my kids and wife. Playtime with my dog who is 8 years old now and still behaves like a puppy (in a good and bad way!). There will also hopefully be a move in this next year, I've been aching to relocate since we moved into our current house 8+ years ago. It isn't a bad place but I don't particularly like the town we live in and want to get back closer to where our friends are, my trails are and the beach is!
On the family note, my older son is in therapy these days to help him with some development issues we're having. He's got a great team of people working with us/him and we are making progress in helping him. My younger son is like the Tazmanian Devil, he is non-stop, still cannot walk anywhere and is one of the most energetic and happy little dudes you'll ever meet. That is, he's got all the energy in the world until it's time to clean up and then the energy drains away almost instantly, funny how that works.
I am definitely looking forward to the rest of 2012. Hope you are too!