
My Cheddar X-pose

This week introduces a new concept to the Cheddar X, choose a favorite band and answer the questions using song titles by that band. I am not going to name the band I'm using, see if you can guess (i.e don't use Google to figure it out) who the band is.

Are you male or female? Mr. Mastadon Farm
Describe yourself: Shadow Stabbing
How do some people feel about you? Sheep Go To Heaven
How do you feel about yourself? I Will Survive
Describe your ex: Never There
Descibe your current significant other (real or imaginary): Love You Madly
Describe what you want to be: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
Describe your current mood: Haze of Love
Describe your friends: You Part the Waters
Share a few words of wisdom: Satan Is My Motor and Jesus Wrote a Blank Check

So what's the name of my favorite band?

Want to play? Go and get yourself some Cheddar X, It's Cheesier and get on it!