
X Marks the Cheddar
It is that time, time for some freshly minted Cheddar X, It's Cheesier lovin' action.
Since I came up with the questions this week they should be simple, eh? It never works that way because I never consider my own responses to the questions as they're being formed. I'm just a question asking fool, I guess.
But let's get to it!

1. What was the last person, thing or event that made you cry?
The last time I cried for real was at my cousin Andrew's funeral a few years ago. He was the first close family member who died and he was younger than I am. I didn't actually cry at my father's funeral last year but I damned near collapsed.

2. What was your most recent vivid dream about?
Two mornings ago I had one of those dreams that are just on the edge of consciousness. And strangely, it was along somewhat the same lines as one that Amy had (though hers was a fair sight scarier and nastier than mine). I dreamed that a group of Iraqi service staff, dressed up like they were working a wedding or something, were robbing my father's house (though it wasn't his house in real life). I jabbed one with a fork and dialed 911 but kept getting a recording. I'm sure there are plenty of interpretations here what with my recent wedding, the pending one year anniversary of my father's death and the passing along of some of his belongings to me.

3. What is the best bumper sticker you've seen or thought up?
There are two I want to go with here. The first is actually a t-shirt at TShirthell.com that reads, "What Would Jesus Do? For a Klondike Bar". The second was made up by a co worker a few years ago and I love it and may even print some out someday. It goes like this "Are you Evil or Just Stupid?"

4. Who was your worst room mate? Why?
Two guys were the worst. They were morons who thought it would be funny to break into the community building at the apartment complex we lived in and steal candy bars (by smashing the machine on the ground), toilet paper and paper towels. I was woken up by the cops at 3 in the morning to find a pile of crap four feet high in my living room of the crap these idiots stole.

Then again there was the other room mate who stole $8k worth of pot from the Mexican Mafia and nearly got me killed. He was a prizewinner too.

5. What do you order most often when you go out to eat?
Mexican food? Al pastor burritos, without a doubt. Basically they're a BBQ bacon burrito and they absolutely kick ass. Other places, I like to try clam chowders or chili. At sushi places, we always get edamame (steamed soybeans) and miso soup.

6. What's your cocktail of choice? Or beverage for the non-drinkers?
I'm a bartender's nightmare. I never drink the same drink twice in a row at the bar. My short list includes: Kamikazes, Jack Sours, Jack an Cokes, Long Island Iced Teas, Lemondrops and Mojitos. At home, I make Mojitos more than anything else right now but that's because they're in vogue and we've got a whole bunch of fresh mint to work with.

Bonus Question:
Can anyone explain how Arnold Schwarzenegger became the governor of California? And how we can get rid of him?
Arnold became the governor because Californians are, by and large, incredibly shallow morons who vote on name recognition alone. Arnold had no campaign platform aside from stupid cliched movie lines. And now he's in charge.
We can get rid of him when his term is up or he fails so stupendously that he's removed from office. Or someone busts a cap in his over sized, steroid injected dumbass.

Have fun with that? Want to get some Cheddar of your own and play along? Head on over to the Cheddar X, It's Cheesier and stock up!

There are some new ideas being proposed so weigh in and let's expand the circle of the cheesy love!