
Instant Survivor Rant
We've not been able to watch much of the newest Survivor but we did catch last night's show and I've just got to take a moment to say that the skinny asshole, Jon, is among the most irritating personalities on TV since Puck was on MTV's The Real World. A self absorbed jackass who thinks he's far smarter and far more attractive and hipper than he really is.

He's an asshole who should have been voted off immediately. He's useless, irritating and just sucks sweaty goat nuts. I was amazed that they voted off Michelle, who was cool, smart and helpful, instead of Jon, who cost them a reward challenge because he can't steer a boat to save his friggin' life.

And I may end up just boycotting the rest of the show until they get rid of him because he's just truly that annoying. And if I ever met him in real life I'd probably have to smack him in the face a few times.
Sorry, just had to get that out. Andyes, I am aware that its just a stupid TV show and its designed to evoke a response and, as such, Jon is excellent for that but do the producers want to provoke a gag reflex?

Other, Lighter Inte Poi Fun Fare
With a nod to Ryan I humbly offer a waste of time that's pretty damned entertaining. Come on now, don't you want to go and Spank the Monkey?

Also, the pass along the story concept has taken on a life of its own and is being built up in the comment thread under the post below. Join in and play along or just read the text as it evolves through the myriad minds taking part.

Baseball Bitching
The Red Sox couldn't hold the lead that Pedro'ed given them and the damned Yankees ended up winning yet another Division Championship on their way to another World Series. Does anyone give a damn about the Yankees anymore? They're a bunch of overpaid jackasses and they're pretty much killing the sport by over spending on the team. Why do they keep winning World Series? Because Steinbrenner's jacked up their payroll to be about $30 million more than any other team in the league.

And we're heading to yet another World Series that no one cares about. Nice work, Yankees. I do hope the Marlins absolutely pummel you but I'm pretty sure they'll just steamroll right through the fish en route to their eight hundreth worth title, yawn.

Rooting for the Yankees is like cheering for the playground bully. Sure, its a safe bet but so's eating with a spoon.