
Starting the Week off Right
One of our favorite new cooking implements is a sweet Calphalon round griddle pan. Its big and smooth and works perfectly for cooking eggs, pancakes or other good stuff like that.

This morning I combined the griddle with my egg ring, some bacon I'd made yesterday morning, some cheese, salsa and an english muffin to make my own breakfast sandwich that put that crap at McD's to shame. Sure, it was messy as hell but so what, good food often is messy.

The other thing that made today such a good start was the fact that we got to get rid of almost all our trash last night. Our neighbor, who attains Saint status for this one!, let us know that there was a free trash bin on one of the patios of the apartment that had been vacated by my favorite sheriff's department spokesman. So I stuffed a few more bags in there, our neighbor took a couple and, all of a sudden, there's no backup, no pile of trash leftover from wedding festivities. Its awesome and we've even got a back patio now as well.

And tonight? Tonight we BURN! It is Dryer Fire Monday, I do believe. If not then it'll be Dryer Fire Tuesday or Dryer Fire Wednesday. Either way we shall be setting fire to a big pile of debris that needs to burn. Another box of wood to help it all burn out and we'll be in good shape.

I may even snap a picture or two of the backyard once we're all back to normal.

P gets huge props for being nearly tireless in her efforts to clean this weekend. She tackled the kitchen and patio with vigor, literally tearing the kitchen bits and the putting it all back together nice and neat. Oh yeah, and something like ten or twelve loads of laundry (love that seventy five cents a load trick as opposed to a buck twenty five!). We're finally getting back to the point where we can think about having people over again.

And I may be ordering my kayak this week!