
Late Cheddar is Beddar than None at All
Yeah, ouch, that was awful. Hopefully this week's Cheddar X, It's Cheesier will be better than that.

1. What's the most extreme thing you've done to either generate sympathy or get out of a debt?
Well I would certainly never take a knife to my tackle, that's far too extreme for me and heck, the guy did it for a three hundred dollar debt. I knew this was going to be a really tough one when I asked it. I think I'm going to invoke the blogger's privelege and change the question to one I can answer. The most extreme thing I've seen someone else do for sympathy (or at least the first one that comes to mind) was a few years ago when I was taking care of a pal's dog. He got a snoot full of something that made him sneeze for like five minutes. I felt bad for him so I put out a little food for him and pet him. The next time I went outside, he saw me and started to pretend to sneeze again so he could try and score some more food and attention. Smart dog.

2. If someone paid for your education, what do you think you owe them in return?
Depends on who it was. If it was the government, as in ROTC then you owe them some length of service to compensate them for it. If its your parents then you owe it to them to make good use of the degree. Other than that, if someone gives you the education, as in scholarship then you owe it to them to work your ass and do your absolute best to fulfill their expectations.

3. What's your fitness regimen?
Mine varies but the typical workout week for me includes three or four morning Bowflex workouts, I try to ride my bike to work at least three of five days a week and make a point of going the longer way to work (past the beach and along the river into town). I will occasionally get out on my lunch hour and ride the length of the levee or home and back. On a good day, I'll put in somewhere between 10 and 16 miles on my cruiser. Other stuff is as it comes, like beach volleyball yesterday, boogie boarding, off road riding (planned for after work this week) and soon, surfing and kayaking.

4. What is your most annoying habit that you know drives others nuts but are powerless to stop?
I have no annoying habits, everything I do is magical and wonderful and beautiful. Hmm, maybe not. Let's see, I talk too loud when I'm drunk. Have the really aggravating habit of interrupting people (I am working on it though).

5. What was your favorite vehicle (car, motorcycle, bike, skateboard, whatever)?
Hmmm, I think I'm going to have to break this down into one per category. For cars, I'd have to say my first VW Scirocco, an '81 S that was far cooler than I was at the time. Motorcycles, my Katana 550 I had when I lived in CapeTown, it was mickey moused together but it ran like a frigging top on that leaded African gas (oh, sorry Petrol). Bike, I'm highly partial to my current Phat cruiser because I spend more time on it than any other bike but I would have to stick with my Mojo if I had to take just one bike. Its the combination of speed, strength and the ability to shred most hills that makes it the winner. Skateboard? Only have one, an old Billy Ruff deck I bought from a kid waaaay back in high school, now it only gets used to move furniture.

Whew, that was joyous!

Now back to work.