
Why Have Gas Prices Spiked So Sharply in California?
Look no farther than the asshole greedhead refineries who just up and decided earlier this year that making a reasonably nice $.27/gallon profit wasn't enough for them. So they implemented a plan to raise that profit to $.69/gallon. And California now pays the most for its gas in the entire USA.

The fuckheads who thought this was a good idea should be tied to the bumper of some cars and dragged until all that's left are bloody stumps. What dickfaced wankers think they can get away with nearly tripling their profit margin in a down economy? The fact that they've done this and don't seem to have any guilt or even basic conscience says to me that they shouldn't be allowed to continue to do business here anymore. They should be fully and wholly prosecuted, imprisoned and made shining examples of what not to do.

But this is part of a larger movement to effectively screw California and Californians over. Somehow this state has become the equivalent of the white male, the only demographic that its societally acceptable to fuck over because they've been in charge for so long that its just accepted. California drives the US economy and, in a smaller way, helps to drive the world's economy. All these scumbags weaseling more than their fair share of money from the state are just going another step to slowing down any recovery for all of us.

Oh sure, they're now making money hand over fist but they're also screwing over their neighbors, friends and family.

Damn but I'm sick of asshole profiteering.

Hey, if any gubernatorial candidates want MY vote then they should address this ridiculousness and take a strong stand against the effective raping of an entire state by greedheaded idiots who can't see past the dollar signs to the larger picture of the injury they are inflicting on people, the economy and the world.

All of this crap just thoroughly sickens me.