
Very Bad and Dangerous Mojo Indeed
A man who should be on top of many people's lists of people to NOT piss off is pissed off.
Four of Hunter S. Thompson's Prized Peacocks Found Dead. Why do you not want Hunter Thompson pissed off at you? Because he's liable to shoot you forty or fifty times and then turn you over to the cops. And he is very well armed. I've heard stories from his neighbors about him getting whacked out and just shooting off his guns into the night.

Apparently it was some wild dogs or dogs gone wild (not to be confused in any way with the Girls Gone Wild series because that would be well, disgusting). And I don't envy them now, they killed Hunter's pet birds and now he's probably stalking them in psycho fashion with a very high powered hand gun and rifle or two, maybe even automatic weapons loaded with depleted uranium rounds.

Stupid Dead Comments
Well, apparently Haloscan has gone up in smoke as any attempts to get to their site are met with refused connections.

Damn! I need to get Intellectual Poison ported over to Movable Type so I can avoid these irritations in the future. Maybe I'll add that to my list of things to start on tonight.

Oh well. Guess I'll get back to work instead.