
One Giant Leap Backwards for Equality and Tolerance
Sex Before Marriage, Homosexuality and Shacking Up in Indonesia to be Criminalized. Sure, they aren't quite sure what the punishments will be but it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to put a good old fashioned stoning in the mix. Everyone loves a stoning except the stonee and I bet they get knocked unconscious pretty quickly in any case before their head is split open by their friends and neighbors hurling large rocks at them.

Its sad that, in the last few days before my own wedding, that there are others out there in the world who cannot safely express their love for their partners out of fear of criminal reprisal. Not to mention the narrow minded musckle bound dumbfuck homophobes who need to pound the snot out of "queers" to prove to their buddies that they're not gay (though, in reality many of them harbor secret fantasies about gay sex).

Why can't people just accept the fact that homosexuality isn't the horrible cultural bomb that people want to think it is. People love each other, why should it matter, and more pointedly, why should it threaten you or anyone else that two people love each other even if they happen to be both male or both female? Espousing hatred in the name of family values is like calling the way cigarettes kill people a population check.