
Mega Cheesed
I just checked Intellectual Poison in IE and damned if it isn't completely and utterly buggered now. Yep, this just may be that mythical straw.

[Update: Found a copy of the code on my work machine, saved from the 19th so that's awesome! Things are back to normal again! And the lesson learned? Don't trust Blogger to caretake for your code, back it up and save a copy regularly or be prepared to lose a weekend every now and again.]

Cool Blog Stuff
I just added a cool dealie from Bravenet down there underneath the guestbook called the GuestMap. It allows surfers to do a virtual pushpin map of the world. I'm sure most of my readers are in North America but now there's actually a simple little tool to find out if that's true. Of course, it only works if people go and use it (and if it doesn't make the page hang when loading, in which case its history).

Please take a moment and push a pin in for where you (or where you would like to be if that makes you happier) and leave a note.

In Mildly Saddening Blog News
First, Daintily Dirty drops off the blog-o-scope and now Layne has announced that, due to her increasingly complex life and the dangers represented by blogging, she's going to have to scale back her truth scale or maybe its her disclosure scale?, anyway, things are changing over there. I'm not sure what that will mean down the road but I do know that I have loved reading her all this time and will continue to do so. Unless her blog becomes just a screaming men-suck blog but hey, I'll bet she could even pull that off as well.

In Countdown News
Its Monday, by this time next week I'll have been married for two days already. Saturday is approaching like an out of control freight train stuck on warp. I'm excited about it but will be nervouse that something will munge it all up until its happened. Oh well, such is my nature. But I'm looking forward to being married, looking forward to making a permanent life with P and very much looking forward to having weekends and evenings free again.