
Ze Cheese Flavored but Not Cheesy Cheddar X
Here they are, my replies and responses to this week's Cheddar X and just for fun, here are the first two Friday Five yawners for comparison. They are NOT part of the Cheddar X and shouldn't be answered for two reasons, the first stated already and the second because they're about as interesting as watching pudding stiffen up.
The two q's are 1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? and 2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
Ooooh, inciteful, eh? Anyway, the FridayFive sucks so no more of them and lots more Cheddar X!

1. What is people's greatest misconception about you?
That I'm one dimensional and easily pigeon holed. Maybe I should expand that a little. People tend to take me on face value to easily and think that, since I'm a very light hearted person, that I'm shallow and perhaps not all that intelligent. Longer conversations will provide ample education to the contrary though. Or at least I'm able to fake being smarter than I am effectively enough to beat the IQ tests.

2. What is your most over used expression?
Hmm, gotta be either "Pissa", "Geezo", "Jeezum Crow" or "Wicked Cool", take your pick I use them all, all the time.

3. If they made a movie of your life, who would you want to play you and who do you think would end up playing you?
I'd like to have someone beyond cool like Steve McQueen or John Wayne but I think I'd end up with Matt Damon for two reasons, the first because McQueen and Wayne are dead and the second because people have said we have the same smile. Or I'd have that vicious karmic backlash I've been told about and I'd get Urkel playing me on the big screen, suspenders and goofy glasses and all.

4. If you could have sex with anyone, ever, who would it be?
Denise Richards leaps to mind primarily because of Wild Things and her damned fine role in Undercover Brother as the white She-Devil. But give me a moment and I'll come up with a few more. Nah, we'll stick with the first answer. [Update: Jim at Snooze Button Dreams went with Elizabeth Hurley and I've got to second the motion and administer some shock treatment at overlooking this astonishingly hot, smart and funny lady. Or maybe my Hugh Grant filter imlant prohibited me from thinking of her due to their long relationship that is now, thankfully, over. Honorable Mentions: Tara Reid, Anna Kournikova, any of the three girls in Atomic Kitten and Jo Guest (an Australian model).

5. What's the best and worst thing you've done for or to your appearance?
This may sound strange but both the best and worst thing that I did for my appearance was the same thing. I got beat up once, a long, long time ago. In fact, I got the shit kicked out of me, my eye was swollen shut for something like 5 days and I had to have an MRI to determine if there was permanent damage. How could that be good? I started working out pretty soon after that, I put on something like 30 pounds of muscle inside of two years without any stupid steroids. Got into the health club industry and began a lifetime of fitness and exercise

6. What's your best physical trait?
I think my best physical trait is either my back or my triceps when I've had a good workout and the horseshoe is pumped all the way up. P likes my lower back into my butt area best (but also made sure to let me know that she likes all of me plenty).

Have fun with that? Then go to the Cheddar X and git yer own!