
New Cheddar X Questions are Up!
This week's questions have just been posted to the Cheddar X. Some good ones to think about and respond to.
I will likely have my responses up tomorrow as today's going to be rush all day. Loads of fun but I'll probably sneak in a post or two anyway.

The Cheddar X is, for those who aren't familiar with it yet, is a more or less weekly set of quetions put together from playas and from me. Things that we're thinking about that aren't the surface scratchers that the Friday Five pumps out every week. Its a free form sort of forum that welcomes input and participation.

The group seems to expand a little more each week and its a blast to read everyone else's responses. Check it out and join up.

We now return to the regularly scheduled rantings, freakish news stories, humourous forwards and whatever else tickles my type-it-up bone.

[Update: Go and check out Stiletto Philosophy for an excellent example of the Cheddar X done right!]