
What It Is To Blog For Me
I've been forced to think about why I write a web log. What compels me to link and tap out posts, why I enjoy doing it and why I continue to do it.

The reason's simple, I like to express my opinions, I like to generate thoughts in others, I like to make people laugh if I can, I like to make people stop and wonder at the world, I like to think that something I wrote meant something to someone, I like to think that by writing things out that I am venting something in me, I like to think that someone somewhere is being affected by something I wrote or linked to or forwarded.

And I blog because I like the attention. I like checking my site stats and seeing how many people have surfed through the site, have been exposed to something I wrote.

I don't write because I need validation, I don't blog because I know I'm right all the time, I'm not. I don't blog from on high because I think that I'm the smartest man alive. I don't spend the hours doing this because I have to.

I do it because I like to and if people don't like what I write then that's fine. Don't read me, don't visit the site, don't leave comments, don't link to the site, don't send me email, don't instant message me, don't interact with me.

Because I'm not going to change to suit anyone unless that change is to suit myself.

I may be tasteless at time, I may be crude. I may write about tits and pussies and ass holes and cunts and twats and dicks and fucking and drugs and whatever else I want to because this is my space. My soapbox. My planet, my universe, my world, mine.

I may also post personal information about myself, I may talk about the difficulties my family faced when my sister's son was born early, when my father died, when I wiped out mountain biking and put a stick through my arm.

I might post stories I've written, places I've been, things I've eaten or used or wanted.

But I will not change for you, for the next person who comes through here. I will not change how I think for any of you, no matter what you say or do. You don't like me, don't like me, it matters not in the least to me what any of you think of me (that's not entirely true though but it doesn't change the fact that I will not change myself for any of you).

Am I an asshole? Yes, sometimes I am. Why? Because this is my fucking release valve. This is where I don't have to worry about being politically correct, where I can attempt to get the things that piss me off out, where I can resolve my issues or just air them.

Do I go out of my way to anger people? Sometimes but so what, sue me (no wait, that's already happening so you'll have to take a fucking number and wait in line for your turn to sue me).

Why do I write a web log? Because I can and because I enjoy seeing what I've written in a public forum. I like generating a reaction, I like hearing from people with opinions to share, not opinions of what I should do or how I should do it but opinions about the world that are relevant to whatever topic I'm posting about.

I blog because it makes me smile sometimes, because it takes a weight off my shoulders and because I like to. Trying to change why I write will just result in your getting pissed off at me. I'm not changing for any of you and if that means I'm playing to an audience of none then so be it. I'll keep writing because its what I like to do and enjoy doing.

Read the blog or don't, its no skin off my dick either way. I'd like it if people read my web log and enjoyed it but that's secondary to my primary reason for writing the weblog. The reason being that I like writing, its fun for me and sometimes I can write something poignant and meaningful to someone, somewhere even if that someone is me.