
And Again We Come to the Cheddar X, It's Cheesier, Dig In!
A new set of questions guaranteed to make you forget all about those poser sites pretending to care about you with their insipid, limp questions and happy slappy responders who take great pleasure in divulging what brand of breakfast cereal they favor and what their favorite TV show is.

This week's questions were penned, by and large, by a new member of the Cheddar X, It's Cheesier, everyone say howdy to Jim from Snooze Button Dreams and his Lovely Wife who's currently in the hospital so surf on over and shower him with some blog love, after you've answered this week's questions, of course. Jim, I hope the Lovely Wife makes a speedy recovery and life as you knew it returns to normal soon.
And so, we're off to the races that are the Cheddar X.

1. What animated cartoon character best represents you?
Depends on my mood, some days I'm Yosemite Sam, just a bluster with guns a'blazin but most of the time I like to imagine myself as Johnny Quest and it works much better now that I'm back to blond. Now all I need is an Indian prince pal named Haji.

2. What is your dream date?
Kayaking by moonlight or sailing under a full moon out in the bay. A mellow Chardonnay, finger food, some Billie Holliday playing in the background punctuated by the lapping of waves against the sides of the boat. And of course, shagging like a pair of minx in heat under the stars.

3. What are your politics?
I don't know where I am on the political scale but its far away from the Republican agenda of confusion and fiscal scorched earth. I am all for protecting the environment, all for a woman's right to choose and so thoroughly for the seperation of church and state that I could write ten pages on it before even pausing.

4. What is the most despicable thing you have done to another person?
Once, when I was still a stupid kid back in Vermont my mother had an evil woman come to live with us. She was rude, she was ugly, she was spiteful and she had a nasty sick cat that horked up all over the place and its hair came out in clumps.
When a "friend" asked if he could steal her bike, I let him and then thoroughly and completely denied it to her, my mother (sorry Mom but she was a hateful and ugly human being and this was the only thing that I could see that would make her go away), the police and everyone else.

4a. My addendum to this: What's the most despicable thing you've done and gotten away with?
See 4 above. I did get away with it until now.

5. What is the nicest thing you have done for another person?
Let's see, can the nicest thing I've done be something I didn't do TO them? Because if that's the case then I've saved people's lives thousands of times over by not pushing them off a cliff or smothering them in their sleep.
No? Okay its got to be an overt action, not an inaction?
I helped one ex girlfriend go from maybe a single orgasm at a time to being a multi-orgasmic moan-a-tron. That was a nice thing to do.
I've been trying to be nice to the people in the house I sublet by giving them a place to live even though it exposes me financially. Only problem is that they're assholes (not all of them) and don't see what I've done as nice. But they'll be out soon and all of that nightmare will be behind me, I hope. If its not then it will cost a ton of money to get clear of and I'll have to sue them for damages.

So there's my Cheddar X, It's Cheesier for today. Want to join in? Go to the site and get on board. Drop me an email and I'll add you to the ever growing list of participants.

Oops, gotta get to work in 4 minutes!