
Readying the All Clear Signal
Well, as expected, this was a tumultuous weekend with quite alot of things happening all the way through it.

From a Friday night that started at Rosa's in the Yacht Harbor, stopped over at H's new spot (he scored big!), home for a moment to drop off the car and get on the bikes and we headed out for some sushi and lots of sake. Nothing like going from Caribbean fusion food and mojitos to Japanese sushi and hot sake. But hey, it worked for us and it was way fun too.

To Saturday's visit from P's sister with her youngest boy and one of his friends. A day that saw Mark and me trying to get the boat out and finding out that the battery was deader than dead. So we paddled it around the harbor for a little while and had some fun. And then hooked with P and her sister on the crowded beach near the Crow's Nest. Boogey boarded for a little while and then had a nice dinner.

And I did nothing at all about the house on Saturday.

But on Sunday I called over, dropped off some contracts that they needed to sign and got pissed off because the place was a fucking mess. They'd definitely been partying there and the house was thrashed but good. And one of the guys was out cold on the couch, I thought he was drunk but he was just out since he's not drinking anymore and hasn't in a few months. A couple of pissed of messages later and a visit to check out one of the guys from his room as he'd moved out and was ready to get his security deposit back. I got the unconscious one up and got him to sign the docs for me, got the other one on the phone and got him on his way to sign the stuff as well.

Faxed it all over to the property manager this morning and it would appear that, by the end of Tuesday, all of this house nightmare stuff will finally be over. And not a moment too soon. None of us needed the extra hassle of it all and I'm glad that its ending with a whimper instead of an explosion of hassle.

And last night when they dropped of the docs, one of the house guys apologized for all the bullshit that I had to go through to get his done. It meant a lot to hear it from him and I'm a much happier and calmer person this week. Another 36 hours or so and it should all fade away into the history books.

Although I'm most definitely going to make Paul get me stinking drunk for doing all of this for the both of us (he was the other one on the lease with me) while he was vacationing in Idaho with his fiance and hound. He owes me big for driving this all the way through to the end.

It was a very good thing that P's sister was down though because she caught a serious omission on our invites and we did a reprint yesterday to fix it all up. Nothing like sending out an invite without the date of the wedding on it, is there? Oops but its all better now.

I'm also now in the market to get a sit on kayak after seeing them in the harbor and out on the bay. They're easier to use, pretty fun to bash around on and alot less expensive than a sit in kayak. So I've got a search going on to find one or two. And I've gotta get the battery charged up for the inflatable before that becomes more fun to play with.

Next weekend is camping in Big Sur with the Seabright crew and I'm looking forward to it although P will be down in San Luis Obispo with a friend for most of the weekend.