
Best Quote of the Day
I was checking some of the blogs that are physically close to Intellectual Poison via GeoURL and came across Ink Stained Banana which is a damned funny site and a great name as well.
Anyway, he had a post about sprinkler heads in his lawn and how it would be a pain in the ass to fix them the right way so he monkeyed it to work and ended the post with this absolutely awesome quote.
Ah well, When ignorance isn't available apathy gets you pretty darn close to bliss too.

He also had a few recommendations for food while in San Jose that I'm going to try out the next time we cruise over the hill. The one I'm down with is Juicy Burger. Looks good to me and if its reasonably priced as the review says then so much the better.

Gotta keep expanding the blogs I read, there's just too much good stuff out there to read everyday.