
The Diesel Driving Dude Next Door
I touched on this earlier this week, the boy friend of one of my neighbor's who drives a huge diesel truck and can wake me out of a sound sleep by just idling it across the street from her house.

Well, yesterday saw the diesel dude coming and going at least ten times, revving his engine and rattling the windows each and every time he came and went. The last was at 1 in the morning after a short but colorful shouting match with the girlfriend.

The time before was at midnight and he sat at the stop sign revving his engine and really, really causing an amazing amount of noise.

Its gotten to the point now where I'm going to have to talk with my neighbor because there's no way this asshole should be driving this truck all the time on our street. He doesn't live here and yet that truck is here all day everyday and if its gone for a little bit, he'll be right back, bone rattling noise and all.

And there's never been anything, nothing on the flat bed of the truck. I've kept an eye on it for more than a month now and never has the truck been used for anything but an extension of his dick. And he is a dick (a presumption validated by my neighbor's daughter screaming it at him at one in the morning last night, loud enough to be heard clearly above his stinking diesel engine).

So when dude drives away, he's pissed off and revving the engine like its a fucking race car which makes it louder than he has any right to be. And I've had enough. I'm going to take down his license and the next time this shit happens (unlikely now given the vehemence of the argument) I'm just going to call the cops on him and say that I think he's drunk behind the wheel or something. I don't care anymore.

I don't have to care because this asshole who doesn't even live here is infringing on my peace and quiet and ability to get a decent night's sleep. Its ridiculous that someone can drive a truck this large in a residential neighborhood without even the slightest regard for the fact that you might as well be shooting off guns and using a siren because the truck is just insanely freaking loud. I can't believe that my neighbor can sleep with it right next to her house, maybe she's a dead log sleeper where you could do a tap dance on her head and she'd not notice. But regardless (smile Carlene) of what this rolling mass of noise pollution does to her, he's got no right to fuck with my life. I've never met him and don't have any interest in knowing him. All I want is for him to take his fucking stupid truck and get the fuck away from my house forever.

So we'll see if he comes back today. If he does then I'll go and gather my information and tell him why I'm doing it. I don't give a damn anymore and this dick needs to recognize that its not just him and his wanker fuck truck in the world. He's driving an industrial vehicle in a residential neighborhood at one in the morning without the first regard for anyone but himself. I hope he got popped for drunk driving last night and will lose the truck. I hope the screaming fit with the neighbor's daughter was the end of their relationship because I just want peace and quiet. I don't want to be an asshole but I'm going to have to be if he starts showing up again with that goddamned truck.

Think I'm over reacting? here's a pic of what the truck looks like, want that idling outside your bedroom at all hours of the day and night? I didn't think so. (No, that's not dude's truck, but its close enough to represent.)