
Bogus Research Study
I just read this article, Mirrors May Hamper Women's Exercise, and have to call one big pile of bullshit to the whole thing.


Because of this line, "The study, published in the journal Health Psychology, focused on young women who exercised less than 15 minutes a week."

With a huge emphasis on 15 minutes a week! Fifteen minutes! These people aren't exercising anything but their wallets by becoming the most favored gym members there are. They buy big memberships and then just about never use them. They are the invisible cash cows that keep gyms in business.

But anyone who considers themselves working out for a whopping 15 whole minutes a week is seriously deluding themselves that they are doing anything good for their bodies. In fact, there's a pretty good body of evidence that such a low level of exercise is more of a strain and is detrimental to one's health. The generally accepted minimum is to workout for at least 20 minutes at a time, three days a week to achieve some sort of positive benefit.

I'm glad this wasn't a publicly funded study, it was put on by McMaster University in Ontario. And I really cannot even begin to fathom why they would waste any time on people "exercising" for under a half hour at the very least. Hell, I know some bodybuilders who stretch and get warmed up for 45 minutes before even starting to work out.

Anyway, had to post it because we've got no print heads so I'm semi stymied at work right now and was reading up on the news stories of the day. Some interesting stuff, like the 15 year old kid that took pics with his phone of the freak that was trying to abduct him. And this article about a really stupid drunk guy who got into a shouting match with a woman and thought he'd show her. So he shoved his dick through her fence only to have her dog bite it. Nice work, jackass! Not only did he get arrested but a dog bit his cock! I hope everyone learns a lesson from this. Don't drink and jam your dick through fences!

Quick What-The?
Why do people put clothing an animals? Like sweaters on dogs and crap like that? It looks stupid and is degrading to the animal. I just saw a woman go walking by with her lapdog trotting behind her in a mini t-shirt. Why are you embarassing your pet like that?