
Parking Lot Fun
Okay, this is only partly fun and is also partly a response to people that park their cars like drunk circus monkeys. And yes, this is a peculiar topic for someone who drives as irregularly as I do but its maddening to watch these self absorbed nimrods park badly enough to infringe on other parking spaces and then bolt.

It wasn't the regular bad parker girl who's the hair dresser with nice arms from downstairs and the pack a day habit. Though she did a stellar job, as usual of getting her car parked diagonally in a straight in space. If she's half as good a hair dresser as she is a parker then people are looking gooooooood!

Nope, today's lot abuser is someone in one of those Lexus SUV's that looks like a vitamin pill with wheels, the RX 300. And they aren't fully crooked but they did transgress over into their neighbor's space by a good foot or more. And I did get to watch someone try and get into the small space next to them. Luckily there was one of those electric golf carts cum energy efficient around town transportation (though they look stupid enough that I'd have to be drunk to get around town in one, I wonder if you can take them on the levee bike path?).

Anyway, today I wrote up a little note, printed it out in a 48 font and slipped it under their windshield wiper. I think it went something like this "NICE PARKING JOB, MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU CAN TAKE UP TWO FULL SPACES INSTEAD OF JUST BLOCKING OFF PART OF ONE."

And, with some luck, we'll be in our offices when they come back to drive away and will be able to record their reaction to getting noted. Keep your fingers crossed and we might get some good rage pics even. At least it gives us something to look forward to this afternoon.

[Update: Damn, just saw the woman come up, get in her car, see the note, take it off the windshield and drive away. No reaction at all. What fun is that? Though, if she parks her car more carefully next time then it was worth it but damn, I was hoping for some excitement. Stupid boring bad parking lady.]

In Other Righteous-Fury News
P quit her temp assignment yesterday at about noon. She'd just had far too much of the bitch in her office. One of the last straws this idiot pulled was to wait until P had left for the day and then she'd slip some of her files that needed to be filed into P's pile in the hopes that she wouldn't notice and would do her work.

Instead, P pulled them out in front of the boss and asked the bitch how they got into her stack. She denied any knowledge and then scampered her fat ass back to her desk to pretend to work.

Its been a long time coming and I'd asked P to quit a while ago because I could see how stressful dealing with her was getting. It was effecting her outside of the office as well as in it. So she finally cut the cord yesterday and is now unemployed and at home working on getting re-employed.

I'm tempted to find out what associations the bitch is in charge of at the property management office where P just quit. Then I can call her up and just scream at her for a little while before hanging up on her. And then doing it again and again. Sounds like good fun.