
The Latest Cheddar X Questions
Only four questions but hey, its been one of those weeks. Ok?

What is your most proud moment?
Anytime I can shake someone out of their malaise or make someone who was unhappy smile. Corny as it sounds, yeah.

What are you most proud of in your life?
Graduating from college most likely.

What is your most guilty pleasure?
Damn, there are so many. Foodwise? Taking whipped creams whippet hits off the canister and then denying it the next day. Activitywise? Staying up well past my bedtime and playing Vice City with headphones on and the sound turned waaaaaay up.

How much sh*t would you take from your employer before you quit on the spot without another job lined up?
It would have to depend on the job I'd think. And what kind of shit I was being given. If I'm personally attacked, either physically or verbally, then you're very likely to find out just how fast and furiously my mind does work. And I'm definitely not above walking out on a job. A lifetime ago I was working as a dishwasher and the cooks were totally being dickheads. I took it for about an hour and then just got pissed off, told them to wash their own fucking dishes and then go fuck themselves. And walked out. Two days later, the owner of the place apologized to me for their being assholes and tried to re-hire me. I passed but appreciated the lesson.
And I've had one boss in the past where I've told him to not say another word to (this is after I'd quit) or I'd literally punch him in the face, he was such a colossal asshole. (Hey Paul, can you guess who I'm talking about?).

So there ya go. My week's responses to the Cheddar X. May they live in infamy.