
A Good Trade? Cars for Boats
So I'm no longer a car owner. Now I'm all about two wheels or no wheels at all. OJ, my 81 Scirocco, was traded for an inflatable boat today. It came with a motor and a deep charge battery (though I really have no idea what that really means and will have to do some research).

There are a few reasons why I'm really very pleased with the result of this trade. One, I've got a new toy to play with that'll be fun, I'm sure. Two, OJ went to Scirocco nuts. Three guys who crawled all over him, poked, jabbed and prodded at him and were genuinely excited at the prospect of becoming his new owners. Three, the guy wasn't down with the magnetic flames so I still have those.

I'm going to take some time and do a little research on this boat I now own. Maybe I can trade it for a kayak.