
Another New Word and Why Working With Idiots Sucks
The two sides of the headline go together on this one so bear with me for a paragraph or so.

The new word is: Poisignation - when someone quits a job or place and tries their best to destroy what's left behind. Or, the slow forcing of someone to quit by making them hate (i.e. poison their work) until they get frustrated and walk.

Why does that go with the other half of the headline?

Easy, I work with an idiot who's trying to make my work experience so unpleasant that I quit. Notwithstanding the fact that I'm just a few notches above them on the food chain.

Here's the latest passive/aggressive stupidity from this walking bag of wind.
Two interviews in two days this week. They both caught me by surprise as I'd had no forewarning and no advance copies of their resumes. An oversight? I don't really see how it can be. Once yesterday and once again today? No, this is willful and premeditated.

I've no problems with people not liking me but I do have a problem, and a very, very serious one, with people screwing around with my livelihood. And being unprofessional enough to pull this kind of shit two days in a row is screwing with how I can conduct my business in the office. Its one thing to not be friendly but its another thing altogether to mess around with what the company is doing because you don't like me. And I fervently hope and expect that this dumbass will get their come uppance. I will be having a word with their manager and my manager on this ridiculous stuff.

I'd buried the hatchet on whatever lingering irritation there was between this person and myself after our first run in months and months ago. But they do not forgive or forget apparently. And they are now taking steps to make it quite plain and clear that they a. don't like me and b. will not do their job if it means they can mess up mine.

So we'll see what happens this afternoon when I get a few minutes with their manager. Likely nothing but I'll vent it.