Who's Editing This Crap Anyway?
I've been cynical lately, as has been pointed out by several people I know, both online and off. And I could possibly get into the whys but I don't want to.
And the best part about writing a blog is that I don't have to. There are no rules here save those I put upon myself. If I want to post pictures of people dancing around in their underwear then I will. If I want to call television shows for what I think they are, then I will call them whatever I feel they are.
Its not a democracy, as my boss used to like to say alot, its mine.
If people don't like what I write or link to then they can not visit here. Its as simple as that. I'm not interested in changing who and what I am for anyone else anymore.
Sorry if that's harsh or whatever but hey, fuck it. Be true to what's inside you. And my personal truth may just bug the shit out of other people. Which is fine. Don't read me, don't link to me, don't comment to the posts. Don't interact with me.
But also don't expect me to be anyone but who I am. Or expect whatever you want but reality will continue to defeat your expectations again and again.
Why am I so cynical right now? Because I feel offended. I feel like an island. I feel like too much of my world is aligned against me. I feel like, regardless of my intentions, I will be misunderstood to the worst possible degree. I feel like there is no benefit of the doubt in regards to me. And my reaction is a resounding, what else is fucking new? I've been on my own for years and am fine with being in the minority. Fine with standing alone if that's what I need to do.
So, delink from me, don't comment here. Don't email, don't instant message and don't go thinking I'm something I'm not. I hate pop culture, hate moronicism in all its forms (and yes, that includes the paradox of hating some of the pop pap I do consume like Joe Millionaire so yes, on some levels much of my cynicism stems from my own personal frustrations with my own inability to break out from the muck), I hate pettiness, I hate stupidity and ignorance and narrow mindedness even though I'm guilty of all of it myself.
And to answer the question in the headline. Who's editing this crap? No one. Read it or don't. I truly don't give a damn.
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