Ahh, it must be back to normal again because I'm at my desk again, gathering up all the various threads of coverage (and yeah, there's a lot!), pulling data for some editors under deadline and generally just getting back into the swing.
With that in mind, Esther, my joyous Forwarding Goddess, has graced me with yet another good one.
Speed Movie Review: Dinotopia
Or maybe Disney should have just renamed this movie, Prequel to the Ride at Disneyland. Because that's pretty much exactly what it was. Sure, there were lots of CG dinosaurs to check out and the effects were very well done. But the story line was so disjointed that I totally lost interest in it. Its a movie that tries to be everything, a romance (fail), an action movie (pass, barely) and a marketing vehicle for rides, toys and other revenue generating streams for Disney (aced that one).
That and it was waaaaay long. As in FOUR hours long. At three hours, P gave up and I nearly did but I had to make sure the ending happened exactly how I'd predicted it. And it did, pretty much. Dad? He wasn't dead, he found a magical cave to live in for several months. The source of the "sun stones" power, magic, geez. And why have the mayor of Waterfall City look like a complete and utter idiot (oh yeah, so his action figure sells better).
In short, it would have been a great movie if it had been raining and nasty out and I was under 8 years old. As it was, it was a the barest shell of a plot that was tossed together to showcase all the cool Dinotopia stuff they're selling now.
And we all know how I feel about crass over marketing garbage like that.
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