
An Intellectual Poison First, the Cheddar Five or Six
I spent almost five minutes coming up with these questions after Ryan's excellent idea in the comments on the last post.
Here are my Cheddar Five, [yeah, yeah, I can't count when I'm involved in a conspiracy, damn]. More Cheddar news as things progress, we're looking for our seed funding now, I think three million should cover initial start up costs and a big old bonus for me, Ryan and Carlene for initiating the new world order.

When you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night do you leave the seat up or down when you''re done?
Up because I like to hear P fall in when she goes later.

When was the last time you forgot to put the cap on the toothpaste and how did it make you feel when you remembered it was left off?
What's a toothpaste cap and how do you leave it off, my toothpaste has a flip top.

How many kinds of rice do you have in your cupboards?
Four, at least. Jasmine, Calrose, Uncle Ben's Perverted Rice and Arboreal. Probably some brown in there as well and maybe even some long grain.

Is white rice inherently superior to brown rice?
Uh no, I think brown rice is alot more nutritious for you actually.

If you were a Japanese citrus fruit, which one would you be?
Um, how about a kumquat, is that Japanese?

and finally,

When was the last time you sneezed without covering your mouth?
Yesterday, came on me out of nowhere and I sneezed before I could get my hand up, to my immortal shame.

Yeah, that was fun! Now, should I go to the Friday Five and post a comment saying mine are up?