
In another vain and greed driven attempt to prevent people from downloading good copies of her songs, Madonna is flooding music swapping places like Kazaa with "songs" that are really her yelling at people. I think I'm going to download one of the fakies and post it on the blog even.

Here's the article though, Madonna Admonishes Music Pirates. I didn't like her music before and I like it alot less now. Much the same with the wankers in Metallica bitching about not getting paid for their intellectual property.

What about the decades of fleecing the consumer with full album sale when everyone knows there are almost never more than three really good songs on an album? What about the record companies taking far more than their fair share of the profits? Instead of attacking the buggers who already stole from them, the "artists" are attacking their fans. That's good sound thinking.

Now why don't you go and have another baby with yet another man you don't love and have no intentions beyond sperm donation, you skank?