
Brand New Word of the Day
Just invented this while writing a short post to The Spammies, a new word, Spame - (pronounced like shame with a p instead of an h) the soul tearing guilt spammers feel knowing that they are the true bottom feeders and scum on the internet.

Terrorism Spoofing News
Has anyone else noticed how much this guy, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, looks like John Belushi playing a character on Saturday Night Live? It is serious news, here's the full story but damn if he's not a dead ringer for a dead comedian.

Say It Ain't So News
Sergei Fedorov Confirms Brief Kournikova Marriage. I've not read the story but she must have been married before she was 18, does that count?

Anyway, I'm not really a huge Anna fanna. She's gorgeous and all but so what, lots of gorgeous women in the universe, aren't there? And a bunch more super talented tennis players too. But hey, pretty woman news is pretty woman news especially with a touch of scandal tossed in for spice.