
What's Wrong with the World?
Bush Shrugs Off Anti-War Protest, that's part of what's wrong with the world.

Now I've gotta rush back to watching the clock slowly tick the moments, seconds, hours, days and months until that idiot is out of the Whitehouse and the USA can return to some semblance of respectability.

My thought for the day - What do you call a criminal dressed in Armani suits, wearing a $20K Rolex, $4500 Italian wingtips (or whatever's the fashion these days) and sporting a $500 manicure? A thief. Just because he's dressed nicely doesn't mean he's a good person, it means he stole alot and did it enough so that he got rich before he got caught.
Until there is some culpability for their actions, these CEO's, politico's and others will continue to disregard our laws (usually the same ones they were elected to uphold, hypocritical buggers) and make themselves ever wealthier at the average man's expense. Its descpicable really and I'd spend one of my three genie powered wishes on making them all pay for their crimes. Say $5 an hour until they've paid all the money and damage they've done back. See you in about 5,000 years, John Rigas.