Intersection Compulsion
Why do people who are waiting to cross a crosswalk at a stoplight feel compelled to hit the button on the pole a moment after someone else also waiting has just done so? Do they think people are not quite capable of fully depressing the button and triggering the mechanism to change quickly?
Or is there a chance that hitting the button more than once indicates to the tiny computer brain inside that there are more than just a few people waiting and it should change the light more quickly? I think that must be the impetus to the maniacal pressing I witness. I don't think that's the case because then lights would change almost instantly for little kids who treat the button like its giving them a shock straight into their pleasure centers and hit it with all due rapidity.
Anyway, tiny rant for the moment. Oh yeah, one other quick one.
Visceral Commercials
There's a commercial for Carl's Jr. that's really far too effective for me, so effective that I change the channel because it bothers me so much.
Its a guy sitting at a lunch counter macking down on a big hamburger with the works, it looks damned good and he's enjoying it. And then along comes the bowl cut counter monkey jerko with a non descript spray bottle that he's using quite liberally to clean the counter around this guy. Every time he sprays it the guy eating gets more and more disgusted but the dumbass keeps spraying around him, even to the point of picking up the guy's plate so he can clean under it.
Here's my internal dialogue that I go through every time I see that commercial.
Guy at counter: Hey, don't spray that shit near me, I'm eating here.
Dumbass counter monkey: Sorry sir, its the end of my shift and I've gotta clean up before I can go home.
Guy: Well, you're spraying some shit around my food and its both bothersome and disgusting, please stop it now.
Dumbass: Do I look like I care about you and your problems?
Guy: You will when I plant my size 11 foot in your ass.
Dumbass: (sprays again deliberately near the guy)
Guy: That's it, prepare to get your ass kicked.
Dumbass: Eeeeeeeeek.
Off camera sounds of struggle and then the Guy walking out with the rest of his burger, but missing one shoe. Cut to Dumbass hunched over and in obvious pain, looks at spray bottle and tosses it away contemptuously.
At least that's how I think the commercial should go. I'm amazed at how irritated I get by the commercial even though I know how it goes, its point and everything else I need to know. It just resonates with me and the dumbass has that incredibly superior jackass smirk that makes me want to kick his ass just on principle alone. That and he needs a haircut.
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