
Ten Journalistic Commandments
This came in a forward from Esther who's been working so hard that she's not been able to send me as many goodies (and no worries, the Peeps are on their way).
They are from PJ Inc., a PR firm with a rousing sense of humor although they should very seriously consider a non-Flash version of their site for those of us who prefer a modicum of control (and it would have made it waaaay easier to copy these commandments.
Here are their ten journalistic commandments:
1. There is no such thing as a free hors d'oeuvre, the more you eat the longer your story must be.
2. Do not look down ye noses at your friends in flakdom, you'll be one of us someday.
3. Let thyself be spun.
4. Seek truth - from us.
5. Behold the press release, it is ye font of all wisdom.
6. Thou shalt take pity upon us when our clients are in pain.
7. Thou shalt give out your home phone number.
8. Thou shalt consider our begging and pleading when considering your story list.
9. If we beg and plead, that means our story's newsworthy.
10. Do unto others and we'll you one.

For those of you who don't happen to be PR monkeys like me, we're nicknamed flaks or flacks because that's alot of what we have to deal with. And I guess, in thinking about it, lots of this post will be of zero interest to those who aren't in the biz. But I'm thinking folks like Ryan will get it since he's on the other side of the phone. Or maybe its funny all on its own. I don't know but its funny to me and that's plenty enough for me.

Another Cool Forward
This is cool stuff, even if you're not a geek. It didn't work on my system at home worked very nicely at work. Its a cross between dominos and a Rube Goldberg contraption.
A forward from Jay who's sweating the hours until he gets home and can get his hands on his new Santa Cruz Bullit