
And This Is An Elected Official?
As usual, the Morning Fix (yeah, right into the vein, oh yeeeah!) comes across with lots of controversy and dirt on freaks from all walks of life. I normally just link to the stories but this one's truly unreal.

In Morford's words......
"Rick Santorum, noted self-loathing hunk of spasming nightmarish oozing man-flesh and a general pasty-assed whitebread embarrassment to humanity as a whole, and also the Senate's third-ranked Republican, if you can believe it, says he has "no problem with homosexuality -- I have a problem with homosexual acts." In an interview with the AP that made reporters and the universe cringe repeatedly, Santorum, R-Pa., said he believes homosexual acts are a threat to the American family, and compared homosexuality to bigamy, polygamy, incest and adultery. "I have nothing, absolutely nothing against anyone who's homosexual. If that's their orientation, then I accept that. The question is, do you act upon those orientations? So it's not the person, it's the person's actions," he actually said, before being slapped. Which is much like saying, you know, I have no problem with Republicans, I have a problem with what sniveling white-ass kitten-molesting Republican homophobes do and say and eat and hiss and the vicious laws they enact and the imbecilic hate-filled bile they spread on their dumbed-down constituents like so much rancid margarine. Following the interview, the last nodule of Santorum's shriveled soul was yanked through his big toe by a demon worm and barbecued as an hors d'oeuvre."

Um yeah, so its not the fact that you're gay its the fact that you have gay sex. Which makes not a bit of difference in my mind, one is the other. To Rick Santorum I'd like to say, you're a fucking moron who should be euthanized to save the rest of us from your own brand of warped and wrong intellectual poison.

And for those of you out there wondering if you are a fucking moron then take the quiz and find out. And please take appropriate steps if it turns out that you are. I turned out not to be a fucking moron but that's because I tried hard. The quiz is irritating though because you get a pop up instant right or wrong that's gotta be closed each time before going on to the next question which makes me wonder if the author of the quiz is a fucking moron.

Local Update News
I'm starting the search for a new housemate for my old house that I've now become the property manager for the landlady on. We're losing one guy so there's a sweet room available a block and a half from the beach, private entrance, private bathroom. Anyone local who knows someone who might be interested? Drop me a note.

Also, I finally, only a year after the project started, returned a pal's data back to him in CD form. Just one of those things that carried over and never got around to getting done until last night. Three quick burns and it was done. And I get to cross that one off the list. Only eight million things left to do.

Paula and I are heading up to our first baseball game of the year on Saturday. Its the Oakland A's against the Cleveland Indians and the best part is that its Miquel Tejada Bobblehead Day! It'll end up being a long day because we'll have to get there early to ensure getting one of the prized dolls (I've tried calling them action figures but it just doesn't wash). I just hope the weather doesn't rain the weekend out.

Cryptic Update News
Day three. Still going strong. A little more irritable than normal but that's to be expected.