
More Madonna Madness
or Mutiny on the Madonna
Call me a glutton for watching celebrities get some come uppance but CNET had a very good article up today, Hackers Hack Madonna's Site. It details what others have done in response to Madonna's unutterably stupid anti-marketing campaign to piss off her "fans".

Her site's been hacked, her music files relinked and people are chopping at her like nobody's business. And you know what? She deserves every bit of piss and vinegar people launch at her.

My favorite bit is the part about the hacker replacing her page with one that replied to her MP3 rudeness message "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" with "This is what the fuck I think I'm doing" and her files had been replaced with free downloads.

Good work, Madumba. Alienate everyone, I'm sure there are other planets that might still want some of your bad music. You used to be reasonably good to listen to, now you're just another asshole celeb who thinks she's above reproach. Well reproach this, you old hag, you're a has been now.