
And by the way
Did the entire rest of the world forget that today is Earth Day just like me?
I totally spaced it what with the trials, the war, the powder scares, Easter, the 420 Holiday, the new bike on the way (Thursday! Yeah baby! Yeah!) and all the other myriad distractions of living.

So, Happy Earth Day. Try not to litter today and hey, try not to litter tomorrow or the next day or the next day or the next day. In fact, try not to litter, try to be good to the world. Ride your bike to work, recycle, compost, don't eat fast food. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And go hug some trees, let the world know you still respect it in the morning.

Today's Apropos Quote
Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

And Cool Birthdays Today
Today is Jack Nicholson's 66th birthday and he still kicks ass in every way shape and form,just be careful how you wish him a happy birthday as he may come after you with a nine iron. Its also a few other notable's birthdays today as well: Producer Aaron Spelling born 1928 and most noted for putting scantily clad hotties on Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210 and for being the sad bugger who's gotta be Tori Spelling's dad, she's among the most vacuous of the new crop of Holly'noids. Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer born 1904 and one of the fathers of the atomic age. Novelist Vladimir Nabokov born 1899 and hero to pedophiles everywhere (though I know that's horribly unfair to him, Lolita was just one of his books.